What’s the difference?
Q: Does it really make a difference if God exists or not? Why should anyone care?
A: There couldn’t be a greater difference than how the world works with a God and how it is viewed without a God.
1) Life with a God allows the possibility that there is a purpose and meaning to it all. Without a God, finding any meaning would, by definition, be delusional. There cannot be meaning in a random mistake. Therefore, spending any time or resources on finding meaning would be a complete waste of time and re-allocation of those resources would be better. So, isn’t it important for people to know how to spend their time and money?
2) Life with a God allows the possibility of a true moral code which humans are supposed to abide by, that is determined outside of their own authority. Without a God, the only moral code that can exist is a “social contract”. This is simply an “agreement” by the majority of any given population that determines the rules they want to live by. This can be anything they choose and can differ from place to place. So, isn’t it important for people to know whether their moral code is absolute and determined by a Creator or if it is flexible and determined by the majority will of their social circles?
3) Life with a God, and a true moral code of God’s authority, allows the possibility of reward and punishment for our actions in a different dimension, for example, an afterlife. Without a God, this doesn’t exist. Even if another dimension existed physically, it would be irrelevant to your actions in this one. A “social contract” moral code can allow for the reward and punishment for actions only within the area of authority of that social code. Even on this world, a traitor, punishable by death in one location, would earn a hero’s welcome in another. One location’s body healer, is another locations sexual predator. The beloved anti-abortionist in the South is the woman-hating ogre of the East. Certainly then, the idea of being punished in a completely different dimension, for actions done in this one, would be absurd! How would you know the social rules of that dimension and be expected to abide by them? So, isn’t it important then for a person to know the possible consequences of their actions?
These are just some examples of the foundational differences between a universe with God and one without. Can you think of others?